Medical Waste
What We Do
San Bernardino County Environmental Health Services regulates generators of medical waste based on the Medical Waste Management Act. The program inspects medical waste facilities, facilities with onsite medical waste treatment units, and common storage areas annually. This program also investigates complaints regarding mishandling of medical waste and facilities that may be operating without a valid health permit. Some facilities that may generate medical waste include hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, blood banks, and doctors, dental and veterinarian offices.
If your facility generates 200 pounds or more of medical waste in any one month of a 12-month period, then it is a large quantity generator (LQG) and must be registered with EHS. If your facility treats medical waste onsite, then you must obtain a permit from EHS. As part of the application process, LQGs are also required to submit a Medical Waste Management Plan along with their application.
If your facility generates less than 200 pounds of medical waste per month and does not treat medical waste onsite, then it is a small quantity generator (SQG). If several SQGs (who operate independently) use a medical waste accumulation area to storage medical waste prior to collection by a registered hazardous waste hauler, then it is considered a common storage facility and a health permit is required.

Attention All Home Sharps Users!
Home-generated sharps cannot be thrown in the trash. This includes disposable hypodermic needles, syringes, lancets, and other medical devices used for self-injection or blood tests, which may have a sharp tip or end. For proper disposal, contact the County Fire Department at 1-800-OILY CAT or visit the San Bernardino County Fire Accepted Household Hazardous Waste Items webpage.